How Dream Herbally Began…

For years we struggled to be aware of our dreams, so began researching dream herbs and experimenting. We eventually landed on our perfect blend by combining ingredients that were individually effective and adding others to give it a pleasant, layered profile. With our “blue dream blend” we each became aware of our dreams most nights, and after a few months we both eventually started lucid dreaming unexpectedly.

We enjoyed the creative process so much that we expanded the adventure and started sharing our blends with friends and family, who kept telling us we should make more out of this. Eventually Dream Herbally was born, and we started adding new blends to accommodate a more diverse set of goals, though all with the common theme of offering a deeply layered sensory experience. We are meticulous with refining our blends and only sell those which we feel have been perfected!

Dream Analysis Services

Stephen Favasuli

M.A. Psychology, Behavioral Science / Research Methodology - University of Rhode Island

Certified Dreamwork Facilitator - Atlantic University

I’m a seeker on a journey to continually learn from the universe and strengthen our ability to tune in.

My Dreamwork Philosophy

Vivid and lucid dreams can be quite an adventure, but they can also be very useful toward personal and spiritual growth. We access spaces during sleep that are typically subconscious or even exogenous, which if understood can reveal our inner programming, conditioning, energy blockages, and more.

Whether to aid the integration of an expanded state or to simply delve into the layers of wisdom found within the dream state, I take a holistic approach to dream analysis. In other words, while there is value in understanding traditional symbology and archetypes that reflect the collective unconscious, there is also a personal history and energetic condition involved which varies by individual. Ultimately, I hold the perspective that the only one who can truly confirm what a dream “means” is the dreamer. My approach is not to tell you what your dreams mean, but rather to facilitate your realization of what your dreams are telling you.


Alyssa Whitney

B.S. Psychology - Bridgewater State University

Integrative Health Practitioner - Duke University

Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher - The Priority Academy

Reiki Master - Healing Natural, Japan

On a mission to help raise the collective consciousness through art, herbalism, coaching, and energy work.

My art can be found on our graphic t-shirts & products at trade shows